remember the weather?? lol - s3:e13

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily-ish newsletter/writing project that is sometimes actually daily (like right now — Taryn is emailing those subs every day for 30 days straight). Now's the perfect time to join, so Taryn will hold while you do so by clicking this. She loves u.

the daily taryn season 3: episode 13

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e v e r y t h i n g 
i s 
s o 
d a m n 
h e a v y 

Remember when people used to talk about the weather? Like, actually talk about it — like "wow, it's hot huh" or "gosh what a beautiful day!" "I know right?! perfect beach weather!" 

Conversations like that feel surreal, like old movie quotes from some weird 50s film where everyone was beautiful and ignorant and wearing a poodle skirt or bow tie. 

Now, we've got unemployment and racial injustice and a global pandemic and mass deaths and political uprisings and war and crime and probably something new happening right now while I type. I hope not, but you know.

Do we talk about that? Or like, how it's... sticky out? Do we talk about George Floyd or the fog? Yemen or the rainbow that went riiiiight over the 405 the other day? 

The life stuff is heavy, and too much heavy burns us out in a way that tunes it out, which is bad. The weather stuff is light, and too much light makes us detached, and makes our interactions pointless. It's hard to find a middle ground right now, or at least figure out how to bounce between both without getting whiplash, but the fact that we're talking at all is the start we needed. Badly. 

Anyway. It's warm out — I'm gonna try to take Riggs for her 7th walk. I'll bring a mask because pandemic but I'll wear a t-shirt because sweat. 

I can’t thank you enough for reading. If you liked what you read, share it with someone you think would like it too (and tag me!! I wanna see it and melt <3)