s3:e3 — okay rona, you're on one

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily-ish newsletter/writing project that is sometimes actually daily (like right now — Taryn is emailing those subs every day for 30 days straight). Now's the perfect time to join, so Taryn will hold while you do so by clicking this. She loves u.

the daily taryn season 3: episode 3


If you’re a good subscriber, doing the most and reading these in order, you’d know that my yesterday morning was… lols. I did however have a little positive minute of reframing (which I wrote to you all about, and my mom was very proud of — she called me today to tell me that, then to rave about Cammie and her almighty power of helping me see things differently, then I watched Cam soak in those compliments like a sponge because I was on speaker, then I had to tell my mom that I was on speaker, then I got to watch the two of them have a very cute little interaction of mutually loving each other while being slightly annoyed because the call was about ME in the first place).

After my glorious reframing, I was ready for a perfect day, but no.


Rona (it’s short for coronavirus, dad) had other plans for me. I’ll be blaming Rona on a few things now, but feel free to replace Rona with whatever your current annoying thing is — your period… the wind… an orange president… etc.

Rona took my day in a deeply weird direction. Rona wanted me to spend a pretty penny at the car dealership — and by pretty penny, I mean 95,000 pretty pennies. Then, Rona wanted us to burn to death — literally. We came home to an 80 degree-hot home, a broken AC unit, and a chemical smell all throughout the house… BECAUSE OUR FILTER THING CAUGHT LITERAL FIRE. Flames. Like. It had a head-sized hole… from fire. COOL. THANKS RONA.

We spent the next ~4 hours stuck in the backyard, literally quarantined within a quarantine, juggling phone calls with the landlord and AC people while obsessively scanning my body for health problems and asking Cam to google which leaking fume will be the death of me. It was hot and annoying and Riggins continued to eat poop which was both disturbing and just like, wtf dude. Grow up. Like, faster. Then I cried and had a little panic attack and cursed at Rona, both in my head and out loud.

It was awful and slightly funny after a morning spent channeling the Dalai Lama and writing to you all about the power of reframing. In no time, Rona got me and turned me into an absolute nightmare. That must’ve been fun for Cam. So we ordered sushi and drank and few beers and tried the stupid games they were playing on Love Island that night. Got you there, Rona.

today was different though

Today, Rona woke up on the right side of the bed. I don’t know who talked her into it, but she decided to spare me. She took the down the decorations at my pity party and threw me a bone. It’s been… a weirdly good day. (OMG AS I WROTE THAT, THE AC JUST TURNED BACK ON OMG HAHAHAHA).

And now, for a short list of good things Rona allowed for me today: We donated a shit ton of stuff we’ve been dying to get out of the house. Someone picked up other stuff that we also really, really needed gone. We completely cleaned our new office. The new sheets we ordered (Calvin Klein modern cotton — thank me later) got here. I had an interview this morning and, as I sat down to write this, got another booked for tomorrow. Someone asked me to handwrite them a tattoo (!!! omg !!!!) and someone else asked to do some illustrations for me (!!!!! so nice !!!!!). I’m feeling slightly (very, very slightly) less bloated. I wore these really silly shoes that Cam said I looked cute in. Riggins is getting snugglier. We were able to book a same day Whole Foods delivery, which was how I knew definitively that some holy power was intervening in our Thursday. And as for the final move… THE AC IS COMING BACK TO LIFE.

Listen, Rona. I don’t know why you’re showing me grace today, but I’ll take it. It’s tough out there. Even saying life with you around is “fine” feels like a stretch. But today? You’re drunk or something, and I’m thankful for it.

I can’t thank you enough for reading. If you liked what you read, share it with someone you think would like it too (and tag me!! I wanna see it and melt <3)