i feel bad for sunday — the daily taryn #6

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily email newsletter/writing project . Now's the perfect time to join, so I'll hold while you do so. Love u.


I feel very, very bad for Sunday. Actually, Monday too. They're just days, but people make them feel like they're half days. Cheap days. The days at the bottom of the barrel. First, you get the "sunday scaries" where you sadly run errands and sadly clean your house and sadly get ready for Monday. Then, you get the "monday blues" where you sadly work and sadly work out and sadly talk about your weekend as if years have passed since the freedom of your Saturday.

If Sundays and Mondays could feel (which, who knows?), I bet they'd be sad. They'd probably feel like parking cops, just doing their job but getting all the wrath of illegally parked drivers. They'd probably feel like pigeons, just trying to enjoy the pretty cities but listening to the world tell them they're disgusting and weird and made for they streets. They'd probably feel like a comedian bombing their set. A cop breaking up a barely-too-loud party. A principal addressing a bully. 

Sundays and Mondays are just trying to do their job. Let's be nicer to them. Let's thank them for what they are. Days to reflect on our weekends. Days to kickstart our weeks. Days to knock the hard things out so the easy things are all that's left. 

If you really think about it, Monday is your pre-weekend. I know, it's a stretch. 

Hope you had a lovely, not scary Sunday. And I really hope you have a dope Monday. Thank it for coming. How lucky are we to get another one?

Oh! I just got done replying to EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from wednesday (and those since then, too). You all are incredible - I'm stoked to hear you're liking this thing so far. Many have asked if they're still "allowed" to respond to the dailies, or if it's too overwhelming. YES - please reply! NO - not overwhelming. I love it. If you have a comment or thought or question about something I've said, hit that sweet sweet reply button and let it free.

Hi. I can't believe you read this — it actually means the world to me. Now that you're on a roll of making me happy, I'd like to give you 2 options to keep the fun going. 1) If you'd share this with someone or a feed of someones, or 2) you joined my newsletter. If that's not your thing, I'll love you regardless, but I'll do some middle school love letter journaling about you if you do either. Head here to join my list of gorgeous subscribers.

i hate my tongue — the daily taryn #5

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily email newsletter/writing project . Now's the perfect time to join, so I'll hold while you do so. Love u.


You know what? I hate my tongue. Is that a weird thing to hate? So be it. I hate mine.

I mean, it works. It can taste stuff and it fits in my mouth and it does all the right things, but I hate how it looks. It's not smooth like all the cool kids tongues — it's got some cracks and lines and not-normal-tongue traits. 

I always took myself to be a big "stick out your tongue in pictures" kinda gal — the cool type that's too cool to smile, so they throw their tongue out for added flare. I get the urge to do it often, but I only actually go through with it about 1/15 times. I'm just so annoyed by how it will look or what people will think. Possibly the funniest part about it all is that no one has ever said anything about it unless I've proactively brought it up — they likely haven't noticed, and I've just made it worse than it is. But for those that have noticed, thanks for.. holding your tongue ;)

It's pretty funny, huh? How I can dislike something so much about myself that it becomes 10x bigger than it really is. It becomes something that I'm certain others know about. Something people must hate too, I think. 

But. Nope. I'm doing that. I'm causing it to be a problem. I'm causing it to be big. I'm creating unnecessary meaning, and unnecessary suffering for myself. About my TONGUE. A thing that doesn't even sit outside for all to see — it only sees the daylight when I choose to let it. It kinda makes me feel sad for my poor little tongue, actually. Poor guy just wants to stay behind the scenes and do a fine job for me (which it does). If my tongue is reading this, thanks. I really do love you. 

I'm going to be nicer to my tongue, and in turn, myself. What body part, personality trait, or quirk about yourself could you be a bit nicer to? I'm sure there's something, and I'm sure they'd appreciate the break. 

Hi. I can't believe you read this — it actually means the world to me. Now that you're on a roll of making me happy, I'd like to give you 2 options to keep the fun going. 1) If you'd share this with someone or a feed of someones, or 2) you joined my newsletter. If that's not your thing, I'll love you regardless, but I'll do some middle school love letter journaling about you if you do either. Head here to join my list of gorgeous subscribers.

friday? wow, this thing really is daily — the daily taryn #4

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily email newsletter/writing project . Now's the perfect time to join, so I'll hold while you do so. Love u.


It's 8:11pm and omg, I'm having a nice day. I marched through a massive to-do list at work, knocked out 7 meetings (including a 4pm brainstorm featuring cocktails and wine), and found some time to get flowers for Kris (yes, these are sorry flowers for my assholery from TDT #2). 

Now we're sitting in bed with acne stickers (idk, something sephora had that supposedly clears trouble spots) sharing an expensive bottle of wine, about to get rocked by watching Beautiful Boy and snacking on postmated vegan ice cream. Yes, I'm fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds. 

I hope you're enjoying your night, or morning for those that are in other countries. I hope it's cozy and kind and filled with the ones you love. 

We're 4 days in and I'm already so damn inspired, I can't wait to keep going with The Daily Taryn. I'm taking a few hours tomorrow to get my website all set up with the goods to make it easier to share with others and link to past days notes. I'll also keep marching through my responses to your emails, which, thank GOD for you and the kind things and wild stories you're sharing. I can't believe the beauty of the people reading these every day. It makes me want to start a little community so you can all meet each other. 

Go enjoy your Friday and stop reading emails... or respond if you'd like to :) Any feedback -- these are hard to read or too short or too long or too EVERYTHING -- is much appreciated. Oh, and for those asking, my favorite show is Friday Night Lights. Even if you're not a football fan — watch 3 episodes and tell me you're not hooked. I dare you. 

(I just read this out loud to Kristina before sending and she says, "that's good! how long until Postmates gets here?")

Hi. I can't believe you read this — it actually means the world to me. Now that you're on a roll of making me happy, I'd like to give you 2 options to keep the fun going. 1) If you'd share this with someone or a feed of someones, or 2) you joined my newsletter. If that's not your thing, I'll love you regardless, but I'll do some middle school love letter journaling about you if you do either. Head here to join my list of gorgeous subscribers.

you know when you're in over your head??? — the daily taryn #2

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily email newsletter/writing project . Now's the perfect time to join, so I'll hold while you do so. Love u.

As the subject implies, today was a day of being fully in over my head. Without further ado, here's a series of 4 of the longest run-on sentence questions I've ever sent to anyone in the history of me: 

1. You know when you have one of those days when you wake up earlier than you wanted to and you're like hm am i hungover or did i just not get enough sleep or am i honestly actually someone that gets hangovers after 2 glasses of wine that I thought was really very fancy but was in fact really very cheap and now the "hangover" isn't it even worth it, especially because I'm working from home and have a few meetings to call into and am also babysitting my niece who is surprisingly sick but also still so surprisingly cute and you can't stop snuggling her while you watch Elf because she's so cute it burns, or am i catching her cold and that's what burning or am i actually seriously still hungover from the weirdly cheap wine???

2. You know when you have one of those days when you're moving through the airport after a 2 week trip home and have bags for literally days and are also carrying your girlfriend's bags but your girlfriend broke her 5th metatarsal (which you just found out existed) and has to use one of those weird knee scooters and it's really cute and also sad and also you realize you're not being as nice as you could be about the whole thing and you're actually probably being mean and grumpy instead of being nice and understanding and then you go through security and chuckle while she scoots through and then you're nice and snuggly again for a split second until you realize you're hungry and then you're mean again and you make your already sad girlfriend (because her foot) feel even sadder (because your attitude)???

3. On that note — why is it that when you have the opportunity to really show up for people and just really knock it out of the park with your patience and assistance and proactivity, sometimes you just can't and you become a mean version of yourself that honestly even surprises you because you've kinda been waiting for a chance to be ultra nice and ultra caring and instead you act ultra entitled and ultra jerky and just ultra stupid and selfish and you really realize it in the moment but some weird little monster in you actually can't and won't let you stop acting like a dick because you're already on that train and then the person you never wanted to hurt is the main person you're hurting and it's a stupid waste of everyone's time when you could've just worked extra hard to be extra nice and this night would've been much, much different???

4. You know when you're sitting on the plane writing your newsletter to send to hundreds of strangers and you're on a roll but you're a little self-conscious about what you're typing because it's so very personal and the actual stranger next to you is like 1.5 inches away and might be able to read what I'm writing but ironically, what I'm writing is being sent to a few hundred strangers that could honestly be her, so then you slow down a bit and start focusing on whatever free singing competition Southwest gives you access to and then you get off the plane and get dinner and get home and you're like "well shit, the thing I was writing is definitely not complete now" so instead of doing the normal thing of trying to finish it, you have an idea to write out what a cluster of a day your day was and write about that instead??? 

That's all for tonight. Thank you to every single one of you cuties who responded to my email last night — I always want you to respond to any email that means anything to you, but last night really blew me out of the water. The picture below is about a fourth of the responses, and I'm going to respond to every single one tonight and tomorrow:

Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at 9.30.10 PM.png

I'm so done with today that I'm not going to proofread one word of whatever I just wrote. Enjoy : )

Hi. I can't believe you read this — it actually means the world to me. Now that you're on a roll of making me happy, I'd like to give you 2 options to keep the fun going. 1) If you'd share this with someone or a feed of someones, or 2) you joined my newsletter. If that's not your thing, I'll love you regardless, but I'll do some middle school love letter journaling about you if you do either. Head here to join my list of gorgeous subscribers.

hello. it's 2019 me — the daily taryn #1

This post was originally written for subscribers of the daily taryn, a daily email newsletter/writing project . Now's the perfect time to join, so I'll hold while you do so. Love u.


aaaaand she's back.

Oh my gosh. Hi! Happy new year! Happy January. Happy 2019. Happy 1st. Happy NIGHT ONE of The Daily Taryn part 2. 

For those who joined us last year, hi - I'm in love with you. Welcome home. 

For those joining for the first time on this go around, holy shit, hi. Thank you for joining. If you have no idea what you signed up for or why you're here, I have answers. You can learn everything you need to know about this newsletter from this little post here

Tonight will be quick for 3 reasons. 
1) It's the new year, and I hope to god you're still celebrating with people you love and not reading your emails.
2) I'm watching Dirty John and am basically not breathing. I hate scary, but somehow Kristina and I have watched EVERY EPISODE (all 6) straight today. I am... ill. But obsessed. I'm multitasking so I don't have to fully pay attention — it's not entirely working, because the soundtracks to these shows are scary as hell and Kristina holding her head and trying to watch between the cracks in her fingers is scary enough.
3) I've got a lot to share tomorrow. I'll be sharing my process for doing a 2018 recap, then walk you through how I turn my learnings into new year resolutions. 

IN THE MEANTIME, here's what I ask of you: Please respond to this (literally hit reply) and introduce yourself (or re-introduce yourself!) and share how you found this newsletter, ideas for topics, your all time favorite TV show or movie, and a random fact about you that I should definitely know. 

^This is mandatory. I love getting responses to emails, and it really makes this whole "emailing a bunch of people about my life" feel like I'm emailing people I know :)